All files and syntaxes for the analysis with SPSS can be found in the Manual Appendices A9, sorted by ques-tionnaire (KIDSCREEN-10, 27 & -52) and self or proxy report.
For the following description of the evaluation with SPSS, we assume that you have created an SPSS data sheet or used the data masks prepared by us (e.g. KIDSCREEN-10 data mask SELFREPORT.sav & KIDSCREEN-10 data mask PROXY.sav). Each row contains the responses to the KIDSCREEN items of one tested child or adolescent. If you do not use the data mask, please take the variable names for the KIDSCREEN items from the respective table sheet in the Excel table below. You need to use the exact variable names as given in order to be able to use the syntax.
In total, there are three different syntaxes, the use of which is described below.
Note on Missing Values: If one item per scale (except for the 3-item scales KIDSCREEN-52 "Bullying" and "Financial Resources") remains unanswered, the psychometric information from the remaining items can be used to estimate the parameter value for the missing item. Note that this can only be done using the SPSS program. If more than one item per scale remains unanswered, calculation of scores is not possible.
Due to licensing regulations, it is not possible to provide you with the statistical software SPSS.
Analogous to the Evaluation "By Hand", the negatively formulated items must first be recoded with the statistical software SPSS.
To do this, please follow the steps below:
Note: In all subsequent steps, be sure to select the appropriate file with the corresponding name (SELFREPORT or PROXY)! In the following, the files are used as examples for the evaluation of the self report of the KIDSCREEN-10.
In this step, the values of all items (item scores) of the scale are first added together to form a sum score and then replaced by the corresponding Rasch person parameter.
Using a further command (within the syntax executed above), the Rasch person parameters are subsequently transformed into T-values. These can then be used for interpretation and classification in comparison to the corresponding reference groups from the Manual Appendices A7_A-E.